HELLO! This week was quite fantastically great n' stuff like that!
I would like to start off my email with a special message to my new
nephew, CHARLES HOLDEN MICHAEL BEANS! I just want him to know that his
name is a sentence. Charles is holding Michael Beans. But also, I want
to welcome him into the world and let him know that he made a promise
with Heavenly Father that he would come to this earth, and follow the
example of Jesus Christ so that he can have eternal happiness with his
family. And now, it is our duty to help little Charlie on his path
back to his Heavenly Father. He started a journey and now we have the
responsibility to help him out. Good luck, little man. I love you!
So, Tuesday was Zone Conference. Normally, there are 3 zones that head
to a city on the border of Uruguay called Quarai, and we all meet up
there. But this conference was different. 4 other zones came here to
Alegrete and the conference was here. We didn't go to Quarai because,
guess what happened? That city was taken out of the Brazil Santa Maria
mission and put in the Uruguay mission. So now there is a part of
Brazil in the Uruguay mission. Kinda crazy. So President Parrela came
on Tuesday and gave an awesome training about how we need to start
teach about family history and temples more to our investigators so
that they can not only make covenants that bring happiness for
themselves, but that they can also help they ancestors make covenants
so that they can have eternal happiness as an eternal family. It's so
true! When we talk about how families can be made eternal through
baptism and temple ordinances, people recognize that it's true and
have more desire to make changes in their life to follow Jesus Christ.
The Gospel is an amazing thing!
Friends at Zone Conference |
We also did a family night at the Bishop's house this week. The Bishop
of this ward is super awesome, and it's kind of sad because his 2
oldest children are inactive. The oldest daughter was strong in the
church but then got into a bad marriage and it lead her down the wrong
path. And then his oldest son entered into the military (which is a
requirement to be in the military for at least 1 year in Brazil) and
then he would go on a mission. But then some stuff happened and now
he's inactive. But we left a message at the family night this week,
and all of his family was there. We were able to talk about the
importance of obedience to the commandments, and the purpose of
families, and it was amazing. The Spirit was really strong and now
Douglas, the Bishops son, wants to have a family night with us at his
house. It was just another little miracle.
This week, I called everyone in my ward on a mission! I printed out a
bunch of fake mission calls with missions to all over the world...The
US, Portugal, Norway, China, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Canada ,
France...like everywhere. And then, I put them in envelopes and gave
them to the members. And then I brought my books of Mormon in in
German, Italian, French, English, and Spanish and then I wrote down
how to bear your testimony in each one of these languages, and then we
all went to the MTC with our new mission calls on Thursday. First, we
all learned the languages of our mission, and then we started to learn
how to be missionaries and talk to people to invite them to church and
church activities. It was pretty darn cool! And pretty effective. Now
everyone knows a little bit what it's like to receive a mission call.
I sure hope it helps the ward get more into mission work!
This week there was also some crazy wind and lightning storms. It was kind of crazy.
Well, I am so grateful to be here on a mission! It is amazing to see
the changes in so many peoples lives, including mine! The church
really is true, and the Lord really does love each and every one of
us. I love you all so much, and I hope you have a week full of
fantastic awesomeness.