Wow. Less than 5 weeks and you guys will be here in São Gabriel with me!!!! That's crazy!
So my companion arrived! Elder Richi Monahan from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He was waiting for his visa for 3 months in Boise Idaho, and just go to the mission!

We've been working hard to knock on a lot of doors and talk to everyone on the road. The lord has blessed us with so many families! Since I was with Elder Miller and Elder Barros, we had spent more time working in their area and we didn't have a lot of time spent in my area. Now that I have time to work in my area, Elder Monahan and I have been searching for a lot of new investigators. The other Elders had left only a few investigators, and we're going to baptized them this week, so we've been in the process of searching for new ones. We ended up knocking on a lot of doors, and 70% of the doors we knocked on, let us in! What a miracle! And they were mostly families, too! I'm so grateful that the Lord is giving us so many opportunities to teach so many families! The gospel really is for families and I'm grateful that I get to be the one that teaches it to them. So get ready for some miracle stories in these up coming weeks.

Also, last P-Day, we had to leave the Lan House really fast because President Parrela arrived in the city, and called us to do interviews. I talked with him about a lot of things, including school, marriage, work, my family, and all that stuff. It was AWESOME! I love my mission president! But he also told me that, since I'm here in São Gabriel on the 24th, when ya'll get here, you're going to have to come here instead of Santa Maria, and that I won't be able to leave São Gabriel until Sunday. So it'll be awesome here!

Anyways, I love you all and hope you all have an awesome week!.
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