In an elevator on our way to teach |
Elder Carlos de Souza and I are working hard, talking to everyone we see. We have a goal to talk to every family that passes us on the road, or every family that we see in their house, and to follow the Spirit to know which houses have families so that we can knock on those doors. When we talk to these families, we carry one of the churches special magazines that talks about the temple. We show them pictures of the temple and explain that the temple is the House of the Lord, and that it is a very sacred place. We explain that is the only place that is authorized to seal families for eternity.It's been very effective and I've been able to learn so much about the importance of the temple. I see families on the street and in their homes and I just can't imagine them without the amazing blessings of the temple. I am so grateful to bee sealed to my family for all eternity! i know with assurance that God loves his children, and because of this love, he gave us families, the source of our happiness. And when we have an eternal family through temple ordinances, we can have that happiness for all eternity. I love the Lord and I'm so grateful for the Temple!
Speaking of eternal families, we've been working with an amazing family, Thiago and Patricia. They're a young, amazing couple with 2 beautiful children. We've been working with them since I got here, and we've also been emphasizing the importance of the temple and eternal families. They've been going to church every week, praying as a family, reading the scriptures together, and everything! Last Sunday, we went to their house with the Bishop. We had left the pamphlet "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" with them. With had written the day 28th of April at the bottom of the pamphlet, and we told them to pray, read the pamphlet, and then, if they felt the Spirit when the read the Date at the end, that they would be married and baptized that day. When we got there with the Bishop, they looked at us and told us "Well, we thought about it, and we think we're gonna get married in the middle of the year" I freaked out, because I knew they hadn't understood that marriage for them is not just a way to be more happy, but a way to repent of what they had been doing wrong and to obey the commandments of the Lord. Luckily, the Bishop jumped in and bore his testimony of the importance of obeying the commandments, and that marriage is a commandment to be fulfilled. We all bore our testimonies of the family, and the temple and told them to kneel, and pray as a couple if they needed to be married and baptized on the 28th. We were going to go back on Tuesday, but Thiago called us and told us that he had to work. So we remarked for Wednesday...and then the same thing happened and we remarked for Thursday...and then Friday...we got really worried that they were just trying to avoid us. So when he remarked for Saturday, we prayed that it would all go well. When we arrived on Saturday that looked at us and told us "Well...we received an doesn't look like the 28th will work out"....My heart dropped...but then they continued..."so we'll just get married that week after, on the 4th of April"....WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I was so happy! We've been working with them so much and I've soon the changes that they've new we're working to marry them in the chapel after the last session of General Conference and then on the 11th, them and their children will be baptized!!! And they're already planning their sealing, too. (They told me that they want to get sealed in the Washington DC temple!). Patricia is an English Teacher, and Thiago works in the office of an agricultural engineering place. They are pretty well off, and such a happy family. I'm so excited for them to be able to experience the happiness of an eternal family in a little over a year!!!!!
My week was great, and I just wanted to share these experiences that I had. I love the Gospel and the perfect plan of Salvation that God has prepared for all his children. The church is true!!!!
Thanks for posting!