-So Tuesday, we had Zone Meeting. So we had to take a 2 1/2 hour bus ride to Cruz Alta (my old city), and then had to walk from one end to the other to arrive at the chapel. It was awesome to be in my old chapel and see all the other missionaries in the zone. The Sister Training Leaders gave an awesome training where we wrote letters to ourselves to start off the transfer, and then they'll give it back to us at the end off the transfer to see if we reached our goals. Then they said something that I thought was super awesome. "Cada dia é uma nova ressurreição." Which means "Each day is a new ressurection." It was sweeeeeet because really, each day, we have the opportunity to be better and better. We need to utilize this opportunity and make little goals to better ourselves each day. And after each little goal is completed, we will have become a new person who we never thought we could become. So live each day like a new ressurection!
-The Zone Leaders also gave a training where they gave us paper swords and told us to write a problem that we have on it. So we wrote all of our problems down and then we read abou the Anti-Lehi-Nephies. Afterwards, we went out behind the chapel and we all burried our swords! We burried all of our problems so that we could truly follow our Savior better. It was a cool example that really helped me out. And I also thought that mom would really like it.
-So there is a family here that we are teaching and they are super cool. Marlene and Sidnei, and their son Vinicius. Marlene and Sidnei are getting married this week so that they can get baptized next week! Super cool. Before I got here, Marlene had a dream that 2 young men came to her house and gave her news that would change her life. Soon afterwards, the missionaries knocked on her door, and now I arrived and we're gonna baptize her. Super sweet.
-We are teaching a girl named Luisa with schizophrenia. Her mom told us that ever since she's been meeting with the missionaries and doing the stuff that we've asked, she's been better and hasn't had any problems. She wanted to be baptized, so we talked to the District Leader and she can be baptized! So she's getting baptized this Saturday!
-I made cookies yesterday! And yes, they were delicious.
-So in all the other cities that I've been in, when ever I say I'm from Washington DC, they look at me like I said a town from some fantasy story. But here in Palmeira, one of the smallest cities in the mission, I say I'm from Washington DC and everybody freaks out a little. I have no clue why, but hey, it is what it is.
So I realized something quite nifty this week. In Mateus 5:48, The Lord gives us a commandment to be perfect. So I was thinking, what can I do to be more perfect. So then I read in Timothy 3:16, "
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
So what do we need to do to be more perfect? We need to read the scriptures! "We read the scriptures so "that the man of God may be perfect." When we read the scriptures, we feel the spirit. When we feel the spirit, we have more desire to do what God wants us to do. When we have this desire, coupled with the call to repentance in the scriptures, each day, we become better and better. So..READ THE SCRIPTURES! Every time you have the chance!
I know the church is true! It is!
I love you all so much!!!
Adios muchachos
Elder Hintze
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