Hello People!
How's it going? This week was super cool. And I will tell you why.
So On Tuesday, we had a special training with the Assistants, and it was awesome. We talked a lot about teaching skills, and then about leadership. It was really uplifting and I learned a whole lot. I'm so grateful to be here on a mission, learning the skills and habits and spirituality that will help me for the rest of my life. It's amazing the things that you learn when you try hard.

On Wednesday, we visited an old investigator called Maria Eduardo. She's 14 and she was almost baptized a couple months ago, but gave up in the last moment. We visited her this week and we found out why. She had been worried about her immodest clothes and she felt uncomfortable in the front of the other girls. Then she told us that after she gave up, she started making more changes in her life. She through out all of her immodest clothes, and started to but new ones. And people started giving her new clothes as gifts too! When we visited her, she told us about the change that she made. We told her that this change is just the beginning of many changes that will help her to arrive at her home with Heavenly Father. We talked about repentance and baptism. and we invited her to be baptized on the 24th this month. She accepted! She started going to our English classes, and she went to church this last Sunday. She bought a new dress too, which is awesome because apparently she had never gone to church in a dress...just jeans and a t-shirt...So it's pretty cool the changes we can see that she's making so that she can be baptized. She started her personal progress already, and the members are all helping her out, so that makes me really happy!

On Thursday, I participated in the 2 most interesting baptismal interviews that I've ever done. One of the companionship's of sisters in my district are extremely hard workers, and they get work done. 2 weeks ago, they baptized a sweet old lady named Teresinha, about 76 years old. When I interviewed her for her baptism, I could see the difference that the Gospel made in her life, and she was truly prepared. She started telling all of her family, and this past week her boyfriend (who's 85) was baptized. He had been going to church with her every week, and he wanted to get baptized, so the sisters started teaching him. The problem was that he likes to talk a lot, and doesn't really have the ability to comprehend some things, as his age is getting to him. So when I interviewed him, I tried to make it a spiritual experience, but it really wasn't working. It turned into more of a "this guy needs to stop talking so I can see if he understands and keeps the commandments". It was quite funny, but you had to be there. The other interview is a story that will have to be told at home, as I will need to use many hand movements and facial gestures. But in the end, they were both qualified for baptism, and their baptisms went great. But it was quite the day.

After the interviews, we went and visited Edson. He was with his daughter Laura again, so we had the opportunity to teach them together. But it was awesome because Edson told us that he had a dream that he was being baptised! He told us that the water was warm, which was interesting. He is being prepared by the Lord, which is super duper awesome! Pray for him!
On Friday, we did a family night at Carla's house. Which rocked.
Saturday, we taught English and piano classes, which were super cool.
Sunday, 3 amazing miracles happened. We went to a members house who's wife isn't a member, and she taught me how to make a super awesome Brazilian food called Pastel. It was super awesome. On the way back home, we were running a little late, but a dog went after my companion. Then a little old lady was after the dog. She stopped the dog, and the started talking to us saying "Why did you guys never show up to drink chocolate milk with me??" We had never seen her in our lives, but she swore that she knew us. But we marked a day to return and drink chocolate milk and study the gospel! So lets hope it goes well! On the same road, another 2 people stopped us and marked return appointments. THIS IS NOT NORMAL PEOPLE. BUT IT IS AMAZING!!!! I love the blessings that the Lord always gives me. He loves me so much and I know that he loves each and every one of you.
Well, that was my week. I hope you all have an amazing week.
OH! There is also an awesome and interesting quote that I found in a book that I like...And it goes like this:
"Work is a spiritual need in the same way that it's an economic need." -Pres. Spencer W. Kimball.
I LOVED this quote. We all need to work hard. And if we don't have a job, we need to get a job, so that we can work. WORK WORK WORK. It's a spiritual need people!
Alright, well, I love you all so much. Have a rockin' week.